Offre d'emploi

We are looking for an occupational therapist and a speech therapist authorised to work in Luxembourg. The languages Luxembourgish, German and French are an advantage, as well as any further training in your professional field. If you are interested, please send an email to


Dizziness and balance disorders

Dizziness and balance disorders can occur in many different forms. There are different forms of therapy for each of these forms (e.g. positional vertigo or rotational vertigo). Based on the latest studies and findings, we will work with you to develop a personalised treatment plan to alleviate your symptoms.


Physiotherapy at home

Dear patients,

We are happy to offer you the opportunity to come to your home to treat your complaints. If your doctor has issued you with a prescription for a home visit, you are welcome to contact us to arrange an appointment.


Compression boots

We now also offer lymphatic drainage with our compression boots.

Your advantages:

  • Improved lymph drainage
  • Reduction of the symptoms of lipoedema or lymphoedema
  • Increased blood circulation
  • Soothing massage effect
  • Optimum regeneration after muscle training

Book an appointment now!




Der Atlas ist der erste von sieben Halswirbeln (C1) und ist somit das Bindeglied zwischen dem Kopf und dem Körper. Er besitzt eine zentrale Rolle und bildet den obersten Wirbel der Kopfgelenke, hat direkten Kontakt zu den kurzen Nackenmuskeln und hat eine direkte Verbindung zum vegetativen Nervensystem. Bei Fehlstörungen ist das gesamte System in einem Ungleichgewicht und es können verschiedene Problematiken entstehen.
